When we sat down to create this website, Capt. Beatson wanted to share some of his past to let others know where he has come from. "Uncle Bruce" was one of the first names that Aaron mentioned when we talked about where he got his inspiration to become an Outer Banks fishing guide. Uncle Bruce was one of several family members that gave Aaron the skills he now uses on a daily basis. Capt. Beatson can remember trying countless types of lures and different plugs with Uncle Bruce to catch top water fish in and around Pungo, Virginia. It's this trial and error that makes a good fisherman and is something that Captain Beatson has spent years doing.
Outer Banks fishing is something that takes year to perfect and even after years you still have days when the fish just aren't biting. This is when "patience" is required and is something that Carolina Sunrise, Outer Banks fishing charter, knows lots about. So here's a shout out to Uncle Bruce for passing on his fishing knowledge. If you can keep a secret we may just share some of this knowledge with you. As the premier NC inshore fishing specialist we are ready to go year round.
Give us a call and let's hook up!